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The LINX118 member meeting will take place on Monday 27th – Tuesday 28th February 2023 at the Park Plaza, Victoria & online.

Visit the registration page

Webcast for LINX Members

If you are unable to make the conference in person we provide a webcast service. Members will be able to access the webcast via the ‘events’ section in the LINX Member Portal (log-in required).

LINX has been webcasting its member meetings since LINX41 in May 2003. The service is an excellent way for LINX’s global membership to follow conference proceedings if they are unable to make the event in person.

View our example footage Access our member portal stream

LINX Social

After the first day of the LINX Meeting, LINX invite all attendees to join us at a pub or bar close by. We will have a range of drinks and food on offer free of charge to all attendees. To gain access to the social, you must be wearing your badge (collected at event reception prior to the social) and have your social ticket (attached to your badge) on hand ready to give to our team at the door.


We provide wireless connectivity (ssid=linx) during the event. Search for the ‘linx’ network and key the password ‘linx-meeting’. Please don’t hack, snoop, or otherwise do anything that would detrimental to other users

Attendee List

The LINX118 attendee list for this event will be viewable on the LINX member portal. Please note that a member log-in to the portal is required to gain access.

Silver SponsorsSocial SponsorsT-shirt Sponsors 


Coffee SponsorsLunch Sponsors Activity Sponsors 

Nokia Logo




Time (GMT)PresentationSpeaker
Monday 27th February 
13:00Event opens with a welcome lunch
14:00LINX Meeting to begin: Day 1

  • Welcome and Introductions
Chair: Jez Orbell, Marketing & Communications, LINX


LINX Technology Update

  • 2023 Strategy Overview with key investments for 2023 (Richard Petrie)
    • Self-service
    • LINX Nairobi
    • Exchanges, Technology Refresh
    • LINX NoVA
  • Operations, NOC performance, maintenances, operational issues and planned work (Anne Bates)


Richard Petrie, Chief Technical Officer, LINX

Anne Bates, Head of Exchange Platforms, LINX

14:45RIPE Policy Update

  • Nigel Titley’s regular overview of recent developments on RIPE policy.


Nigel Titley

14:55LINX Board Election: “Expectations of being on the LINX Board

  • The LINX Board Election will take place as part of the LINX AGM in May. This talk will explain what it is like to serve on the LINX Board and why you should consider serving. What kind of expectations should people have?
  • It will also be an opportunity for individuals to consider their candidacy for election when nominations open in the weeks that follow LINX118.


Pete Stevens, Mythic Beasts and LINX Board member


Peering / Network Security and Why Enterprises Should Peer at Internet Exchanges

John Brown is a Senior Security Evangelist and member of the Team Cymru Outreach team. Prior to joining Team Cymru, he was CTO of a regional ISP that provided Internet and Voice services via fiber optic and microwave technologies. Mr. Brown has actively been involved with Internet technologies since 1984, when as a high school student he connected via the local University’s UNIX systems. He has held senior technical training and customer support engineering roles at various companies in Silicon Valley. He is an active entrepreneur, having founded several successful technology companies. Mr. Brown was the principal networking and technical engineer for ICANN’s L-Root DNS server, part of the global critical DNS infrastructure. He is passionate about protecting the Internet from cyber criminals, teaching and passing on knowledge to others so that the Internet remains an open and safe system.


John Brown, Team Cymru

15:4530 minute coffee & networking Break
16:15Euro-IX and PeeringDB update: Don’t forget the peers!

In this talk Bijal Sanghani of Euro-IX (European Association for Internet Exchange Points) will give a brief introduction to the Euro-IX membership, followed by an interactive session. The interactive session will focus on the attendees experience on tools and data they use to help make peering decisions. What’s useful and what more can we do.

PDF  |  Video

Bijal Sanghani, Euro-IX

16:35Contingency plans for network service providers: how to survive the major crisis and keep going

We all still harvest the effect of the global supply chain crisis, that began with Covid-19. New challenges arose because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Many companies throughout all industries have learnt the hard lesson of being unprepared to function in the event of a crisis of this scale.

The recent tragic events of natural force in Turkey and Syria have again pointed out that there is a force beyond human control and business needs to show its resiliency to the utmost scale.

Internet is already built on principles of redundancy and is used to mitigate disruptions, but what happens when there are multiple problems or damages? Are you ready to operate under the circumstances of blackouts, lack of diesel, curfew, and critical equipment shortage, when all these factors coincided?

RETN team has a unique experience of dealing with the constantly multiplied network and operational damages within the last full year. It has a list of tips and tricks for overcoming multi-layer challenges under the most extreme circumstances. 

We’ll speak of how RETN minimises the impact of disruptions, reduces the risk of financial losses due to outages, and keeps ensuring the continuity of the services.


Elena Lutsenko, Director of RETN Black Sea region 

Andrey Gazizov, COO of RETN

17:00Sending Party Network Pays (SPNP)

  • An overview of Big Tech vs Big Telco on network fees. Should Big Tech pay a ‘fair share’ for the content it sends over the Internet?


Rudolf van der Berg, Stratix Consulting

17:40ConneXions Reseller Partner Awards

  • Most New Networks Connected
  • Top Reseller for Europe
  • Top Reseller for North America
  • Top Reseller for South America
  • Top Reseller for Asia Pacific
  • Most LINX Locations Resold
  • The One to Watch
  • LINX Community Ambassador Award
  • Ambassador for LINX Interconnection Services


Lynsey Buckingham, Marketing & Communications, LINX

18:00End of Day One of LINX118
18:15Networking Social @  The Victoria Taps 

27 Gillingham St, Pimlico, London SW1V 1HP

2 Minute walk from the Park Plaza

Tuesday 28th February 
 09:30Registration Opens – Refreshments Available
10:00LINX Meeting to begin: Day 2

  • Welcome and Introductions
Chair: Jez Orbell, Marketing & Communications, LINX

10:10LINX CEO Quarterly Update

  • LINX Stats and Organisational Overview


Kurtis Lindqvist, Chief Executive Officer, LINX

10:25Guest IXP: Netnod

  • IXP Update


Emil Palm, Netnod

10:45Silver Sponsor: Kentik

  • Embedded CDNs in 2023 – a status report


Jac Kloots, Solutions Engineer, Kentik

11:00Member Consultation: Proposed MoU changes to be voted on at the May AGM

  • The aim of this proposal is to increase LINX’s value to existing our members and enhance LINX’s ability to fund innovation and improved services for all members by broadening the range of networks we can serve.


Jennifer Holmes, Chief Commercial Officer, LINX

11:1530 minute coffee & networking Break
11:45Fibre in Pipe Technology

  • This presentation covers the great work CloudNet are doing up in Orkney with the fibre in pipe rollout in Scotland
  • In what is believed to be a UK first, this project is connecting homes on Papa Westray under the R100 voucher scheme
  • CloudNet have been involved in a large number of digital innovation projects involving TV spectrum whitespace and other novel ways to deliver services to places which are outside the reach of traditional fibre delivery
  • It is a fascinating story and contains a lot of hugely valuable learning with what is a bleeding edge technology.


Greg Whitton, Managing Director, CloudNet

Marek Isalski, Technical Direct, Faelix Limited

12:15Training at RIPE NCC

  • Jad el Cham will speak on the RIPE NCC’s Learning and Development Services. This covers their training courses, Webinars, RIPE NCC Academy E-learning platform and Certified Professionals Program.


Jad el Cham, RIPE NCC

12:25Public Affairs Update

  • Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

  • Review of the Computer Misuse Act

  • Misc


Malcolm Hutty, Head of Legal & Policy, LINX

13:0060 minute lunch & networking break
14:00Simplifying Peering with Open Source

  • Internet is growing and peering with an ever increasing number of networks can be challenging. Peering Manager tries to help and make peering easy with autodiscovery and automation.


Guillaume Mazoyer, Backbone Network Engineer & OpenSource Software Developer

14:20Bulk cable interception

  • A new collection-method available to the Norwegian Intelligence Service


Kjetil Olsen, Norwegian Internet eXchange

14:45LINX Engineering Internships

  • An Overview



Richard Petrie, Chief Technical Officer, LINX

Anne Bates, Head of Exchange Platforms, LINX

14:55LINX Product Update

  • Member Portal Improvements
  • Product Updates and look into 2023


Mike Hellers, Product Manager, LINX

15:10Wrap Up and Closing Remarks
15:15End of LINX118


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Upcoming Events

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Peering 101

By Tom Lloyd-Roberts

This two-hour webinar will provide you with a technical overview exploring the Internet and Peering for engineers interested in...

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15th April 2025


By Tom Lloyd-Roberts

This two-hour webinar will provide you with a technical overview exploring the Internet and BGP for engineers interested in...

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19th June 2025


By Tom Lloyd-Roberts

The Global Cloud, Content and Telecoms Summit provides a much-needed global event for the emerging telco ecosystem and enables...

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