LINX Member Portal Self-Service Edit Features (Part 2) – Closed User Group, Cloud Connect, and MAPS
The LINX Member Portal, and its self-service functionality, is a technically advanced system that allows LINX member networks greater control over the provisioning of services on their ports. The on-demand features simplify processes and frees up time for both the member, and LINX teams.
Until now, the functionality in the portal for members was limited to ordering these services but they were not able to request changes through the portal. Instead, they had to contact the NOC or Sales teams. This is what is being addressed now in this new phase of portal development.
In a member’s My Services section they can now select their individual network services and make specific edits such as changes to bandwidth, MAC address updates, change VLAN IDs, migrate between ports or move to new ports and, if no longer required, request the cancellation of particular products.
In part one of this three-part series the focus was on the features and new functionality available for the PVLAN service. This blog will cover Closed User Groups (CUGs), Cloud Connect (CC), and Microsoft Azure Peering Service (MAPS) plus the downgrade and cancellation process.
Closed User Groups (CUGs) – Product Overview & Functionality
LINX Closed User Group allows LINX members to create a common environment to connect multiple sites, suppliers, partners, and even customers – with all traffic passing through one secure connection.
Independent to standard peering, LINX Closed User Group can be provided using a dedicated port, or through a VLAN on your existing port.
Each closed user group is assigned a group controller, giving that member control over the environment, including granting user access, deciding bandwidth allocation, and any other user group amendments that require secure authorisation.
The Closed User Group function includes a feature where a visual representation (data visualisation) of the CUG arrangement. Selecting the CUG service displays text information on the service and by clicking on expand it allows the user to see the graphical display.
Hovering over the individual CUG members will highlight further details on the connection.
Again, as with PVLAN, there are editable options such as a slidable bandwidth selector which will update costings before the order is submitted.
Cloud Connect – Product Overview & Functionality
With LINX Cloud Connect, you get direct access to all Microsoft, AWS, and Google cloud services through our existing network infrastructure. It gives you a low latency connection, reliable uptime, and greater control of your traffic – benefits that aren’t consistently achievable using public Internet connections.
For LINX Cloud Connect there is an option to toggle between primary and secondary port units. Order selections and tracking details appear as before with tickets issued to DeskPro for implementation.
Microsoft Azure Peering Service (MAPS) – Product Overview & Functionality
Our Microsoft Azure Peering Service (MAPS) provides LINX members with a direct connection to any public Microsoft cloud service, including Microsoft Azure services, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, or any other Microsoft service accessible via the public Internet.
The MAPS service follows the same update process with order tracking and the status of each order as per other products and services. These can be viewed and edited in the same way.
Flexible Options to Downgrade Services if Required
While LINX wouldn’t like its members to require the downgrade, or even cancellation of services, we acknowledge that having the facility to make such changes may be necessary.
When viewing their services members can select to edit or cancel. If cancel is selected an alert box appears with an ‘Are you sure?’ notification and a warning if this is the last remaining service on a particular LAN. There is also an optional field to indicate why the network is looking to cancel that service.
As a final safeguard, a last chance to cancel or confirm message is displayed when submitting. Once confirmed two tickets are sent to DeskPro, one to LINX Sales, and the other to Provisioning, to complete the formal process.
If a member attempts to cancel the last remaining service, the confirm option will be automatically de-selected as it would the equivalent to cancelling their membership. If this is the option required a link is shown for the LINX membership cancellation form.
If you want to know more about self-service functionality and latest enhancements on the LINX Member Portal, please contact us using the form below.
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