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19th June 2017

PRESS RELEASE: Italian Internet Exchange NAMEX becomes very first LINX IXP Reseller product partner

By Lynsey Buckingham

The London Internet Exchange (LINX) is pleased to announce NaMeX Roma Internet Exchange, as the first partner to sign...

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19th June 2017

LINX Route Server Project

By Lynsey Buckingham

Internet exchange points provide every connected member with a direct Layer2 connection to all other members at the exchange....

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14th June 2017

Baroness Howe tables Private Member’s Bill

By Lynsey Buckingham

Baroness Howe has tabled a private member’s bill seeking to broaden the definition of what is classified as extreme...

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7th June 2017

Theresa May calls on internet firms to tackle terrorist content

By Lynsey Buckingham

Following the recent terror attacks in London which has thus far killed seven and has left 48 injured, Prime...

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7th June 2017

4G to come to the London Underground

By Lynsey Buckingham

Transport for London (TfL) are due to hear bids from a number of telecommunications companies to provide 4G on...

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5th June 2017

Swiss court convicts man over Facebook ‘likes’

By Lynsey Buckingham

A Swiss court has convicted a man for his ‘likes’ on Facebook. The 45-year-old unnamed defendant was told by...

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2nd June 2017

German court denies mother’s access to daughter’s Facebook account

By Lynsey Buckingham

An appeals court in Berlin has recently ruled that a mother cannot gain access to her daughter’s Facebook account....

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1st June 2017

EU to spend €120m to extend free Wifi across Union

By Lynsey Buckingham

The EU has announced it will spend €120 million to extend Wifi across 6,000 to 8,000 municipalities, bringing Wifi...

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