Open Nav

Erik Carlson

Candidate Statement

Erik Carlson – Cerberus Networks Ltd

I’ve worked in the computer industry since 1992, and ISPs since 1995. Originally offering dialup access with a VBC Net leased line, a Livingston Portmaster, a room full of Hayes Accura modems and far too many cables. At the time the Nominet did not exist & the Telehouse car park was a water feature! Almost 30 years later I’m still working in the industry I love. I’m constantly amazed by how far things have come. This is the future, and I’m enjoying living in it, the technology side at least!

I’m a problem solver at heart. I appreciate the huge benefits the big players bring us, but I’ve worked for smaller ISPs where one must be agile, innovate and get things done. Smaller ISPs must work so hard with fewer resources and, in my case, no external funding. I’ve a great track record of doing what other ISPs find challenging, and working in smaller organisations gives me a much greater understanding of the whole picture. Despite our size we do well at the ISPAs year after year. Having lived our industry history I’ve a pretty good nose for what will work and what won’t.

I’ve been attending pretty much every LINX meeting since my current business joined in 2011. In a world where transit is becoming ever cheaper LINX has done so well to stay relevant. Aside from just getting packets from my son to the Fortnite servers, LINX provides an almost unique community of like-minded people working for the mutual good of all. Every LINX meeting I come away knowing something unexpected & new.  It’s so great to see us exporting the LINX experience to more and more of the world.


I have served on boards since 1999. I’m currently on the board of Cerberus Networks (since 2006), and a residential block of 163 flats in Docklands (RTM company since 2016 and Freeholder since 2017). Finding common ground between 163 flat owners with very different opinions is every bit as much of a challenge as delivering fibre to remote Scottish hillsides!

Those who know me will know that I like to get stuck in. If something isn’t right, I won’t sit there & mutter quietly, I will do something. I was a regular at the BT Tower ISP Forums, usually sat up front right, asking difficult questions. My broad job role still sees me sticking up for the smaller players at Openreach industry fora like CFPCG & CFPPG. Even though comparatively small, I’m in the room with the big 4, being taken seriously, building consensus, and achieving changes from Openreach that benefit everyone. I’m on the All-IP working group. I attend the UKFCF. I’m deeply concerned about the imminent introduction of One Touch Switching and continue to provide detailed feedback to steer that back on course. I’m good with people and know how to disagree agreeably.

Out of all the pillars of the Internet, LINX has a special kind of magic. I’m hoping to step behind the curtain and help steward it further.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.

If you have any questions, you can email me at

Declaration of Conflicts

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