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Candidates 2023

Below are the candidates for the 2023 LINX Board election. Each candidate has published a statement, outlining why they want to stand for the LINX Board, and the skills, qualities, experience and vision they will bring to the role. The list will be updated as candidate nominations are received.


You can access each statement, declaration of conflicts of interests and video (where submitted) by clicking on the candidate’s name below.

NameNotesNominated By
Steve GlendinningBRSK LimitedSteve Wright (4D Data Centres / Redcentric Solutions)
James KingDataVitaCharlie Boisseau (Commsworld/Fluency)
Simon LockhartBogons LtdBen White (Telcom Networks Ltd)
Phill MagillTalkTalkSteve Wilcox (IX Reach)

The Board election forms part of the LINX AGM.

The period for voting will be from 2nd May 2023 for two weeks, to 17th May 2023 after the LINX119 AGM. All members’ main corporate representatives will be emailed a voting pack approximately three weeks before the AGM.

To check if a LINX member’s voting details are correct, visit Members Contacts area of the portal.
