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Previous Consultations

October 2023: Changes to MoU

This is a membership consultation on proposed changes to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).The changes concerns clause 1.6, Appendix 2, clause 5 and Appendix 3 clause 5 of the MoU, which currently outlines the requirement for a member to be allowed to vote at a General Meeting.

During the 2023 AGM, the board presented a proposal to amend the MoU, aiming to grant LINX membership to networks seeking an alternative service to peering. The change of the MoU was approved at the 2023 AGM. The change of the MoU was approved at the 2023 AGM. 

Subsequently, we have discovered that in addition to the modification made in May there are three additional clauses that require a member to have operational peering in relation to voting. Allowing this MoU discrepancy to persist would deprive some duly admitted LINX members of their voting rights. It is also inconsistent with the Articles of Association of the company, which grant each member an equal vote.

To rectify the current situation and restore consistency in the MoU, the board issues the consultation with the intention to vote on these changes at the 2023 November EGM.

member consultation paper sets out the details of these changes and the reasoning behind them.

The member consultation on these changes begins October 5th 2023. To be considered by The Board, member comments should be sent to by October 20th 2023.

February 2023: Changes to MoU

This is a membership consultation on a proposed change to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The change concerns clause 1.4 of the MoU, which currently outlines the requirement for all members to purchase a peering service.

The change will allow more networks and companies to become members, therefore increasing the value of LINX membership for all members.

By reaching a larger group of networks, LINX value increases for the larger content providers and networks, who will increase their capacity on the exchanges, therefore adding more value for all members.

A member consultation paper sets out the details of these changes and the reasoning behind them.

The member consultation on these changes begins at LINX 118. To be considered by The Board, member comments should be sent to by 27th March 2023.

Spring 2022: Changes to Articles and MoU

This consultation concerns proposed amendments to the Articles of Association and the Memorandum of Understanding. These are relatively minor technical improvements, not a substantial change to our governance.

The changes to the Articles

  1. Clarify who chairs the General Meeting, by inserting an explicit provision in the Articles; and
  2. Provide for a power of temporary adjournment of the General Meeting.

The changes to the MoU would empower the Board to lift the suspension of a member whose membership has been suspended, and to reimpose it, if certain conditions are met.

A member consultation paper sets out the details of these changes and the reasoning behind them. There is also a redline version of the Articles and the MoU.

The Board intend to proposed these amendment for ratification at the AGM to be held at LINX 116 in May. So that the Board may consider any comments received, we ask that responses are sent to by 30th April.

July 2021: Change of LINX subdomain mailing lists

This consultation concerns an amendment to the MoU and an MoU referenced document as follows:

1.     to change all references in the MoU to LINX operated mailing lists so that they refer to the subdomain instead of the main domain

2.     to make the same changes throughout the MoU referenced document, “LAN announcements reference document”.

Full details on the consultation can be found here.

These proposed changes were presented at LINX113 on 25th May 2021.

Next Steps

We would like to solicit feedback on the above with the target of presenting this as a formal resolution at a general meeting to be held at LINX114 in November 2021. The Board will consider amending the proposal taking into account any comments received.


February 2021: Member representation

This consultation concerns an amendment to the MoU to clarify that LINX has the right to decline to interact with a particular individual.

In normal circumstances, LINX members appoint their representatives to LINX, including for purposes and positions specified under the MoU. However if an individual were threatening, intimidating, or racially or sexually abusive towards a member of staff, LINX would need to refuse to interact with that individual for the protection of staff welfare, and would require the member the appoint a alternative representative.  It is LINX’s intention only to exercise that right in extreme circumstances, with the personal approval of the Chief Executive.

The text of the proposed resolution is accompanied by more detailed explanatory notes / FAQ, here.

This text will be presented at LINX112 on 18th February, with a view to being tabled for formal approval at the Annual General Meeting in May 2021.


December 2020: Consultation on setting up of a LINX Elections Committee

This is an overview of plans to set up a LINX Elections Committee to help LINX with the 2021 board elections.

The role of the committee will be to:

  • Encourage a strong slate of candidates (acting as ambassadors to seek our potential candidates).
  • Assist in the elections process (by helping us in updating documentation/processes and supporting us in any ‘hustings’ type processes previously undertaken by staff).
  • Ensure the election process is accessible, including and welcoming, to reach a wider range of potential candidates.

We hope the committee will give members an opportunity to help with the election process in a role which would not require the same level of time commitment as for example, serving on the board – so it may be an opportunity for those who want to serve the community to help in a different capacity.

  • Initial announcement, presented at LINX111 on 15th December 2020 can be found here.
  • Proposed Terms of Reference for the LINX Elections Committee can be found here.


Next Steps

If you have relevant experience and would like to volunteer (or know someone who does), or you have any questions, please contact Bekki Dube at

Please contact us by 8th January 2021. We hope to get the committee working at the beginning of 2021.

Archive Continued

May 2020: Consultation on provision of LINX to be obliged to provide a multicast LAN as per the MoU.

Autumn 2020: Consultation on provision for Virtual General Meetings, and raising the quorum.

February 2020: Incorporating Standard Contractual Clauses for data protection in the MoU.

November 2018: Changes to op-announce, and removal of peering request response times.

For copies of any of these consultations please reach out to our Governance Team.
