I am Chairman of Broad Horizon, a Benelux and Scandinavian Cloud provider of application and cloud hosting services and Chairman of Altitude Angel, an aviation technology company enabling the safe integration and use of fully autonomous drones into global airspace. I also serve on the board of Telenor, Alpha10X and Bio-Key. I also serve as an advisor to HIG Europe, and am an angel investor through Cambridge Angels.
Board Directors Declarations
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Simon Lockhart – Bogons Ltd
Simon has over 25 years’ experience in the Internet Industry, having previously worked as Technology Manager for BBC Internet Services and as Technical Director for Glide Student and Residential. He also owns and runs his own ISP, Bogons. More recently, Simon has been providing network consultancy services to a number of UK alt-nets.
Whilst working at the BBC, Simon was instrumental in driving policy changes at LINX which allowed for Internet content providers to become members. He subsequently joined the LINX board for a period between 2004 and 2010 before taking an extended hiatus until being re-elected in 2023.
Steve Glendinning – BRSK Limited
I am a director of Brsk ISP Limited and Infinity Developments Limited (idnet), both are LINX members. I am also a director of ISPA.
Pieter Knook - LINX Chair
Neil McRae - Juniper, Digital Gravity Partners, Tarana Wireless, UK TIN
- MD Architecture at Juniper Networks.
- Partner at Digital Gravity Partners.
- Strategic Advisor to Tarana Wireless.
- One of the WG Chairs at UK TIN.
Pete Stevens - Mythic Beasts
I am a significant shareholder and director of Mythic Beasts Ltd (AS44684) which also supplies commercial services to LINX. That contract predates my election.
Jennifer Holmes - LINX CEO
I am employed at LINX as the Chief Executive Officer. I am also a director of LINX America.
Richard Petrie - LINX CTO
I am a director of Net IT Consultancy Limited, which is not trading and has not for some time. This is a legacy firm from 2012 when I and a colleague did some contracting work.
Andrew Fabian - LINX CFO
I currently have no other directorships.
Cara Mascini - Unaffiliated
I am a director in my own Dutch companies sole trader Cieo Mente and Cara Mia Holding BV. Further I am a minority investor in several companies and also invest in sustainability and tech funds, none of these originate in the UK.
Alex Bloor - Andrews & Arnold
I hold a position of General Manager at Andrews & Arnold Ltd, a LINX member for many years, predating my election to the LINX board. I am not a Director or a Shareholder of this Company.